Período: Setembro 2018 - Agosto 2021

Natureza: Pesquisa

Referência: PPE-22137

Descrição: DDP-BIICS - Construção de cenários de descarbonização profunda para o Brasil. Modelagem setorial integrada à modelagem macroeconômica de equilíbrio geral.

Integrantes: Emilio Lèbre La Rovere (Responsável);  Carolina Burle Schmidt Dubeux;  William Wills;  Amaro Olímpio Pereira;  Michele Karina Cottta Walter;  Carolina Grottera;  Claudio Gesteira;  Marcio de Almeida D'agosto;  Daniel Neves Schmitz Gonçalves;  Otto Hebeda;  Gabriel Castro;  Giovanna Naspolini.

Financiador(es): INSTITUT DE DÈVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES-IDDRI./ International Climate Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany – IKI.

Acesse o Subcontrato COPPETEC AQUI.

Acesse o Policy lessons on deep decarbonization in large emerging economies AQUI.

Pesquisadores - Projeto Imagine

Emilio Lèbre La Rovere

Michele Cotta

Michele Cotta holds a degree in Forest Engineering, Master's Degree in Forestry Sc

Lisandra Gomes Mateus

Researcher at the Centro Clima (COPPE/UFRJ) and PhD student at the Energy Planning

Pedro Ninô de Carvalho

Economist, PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the École

Carolina Burle Schmidt Dubeux, D.Sc.

PhD in Energy and Environmental Planning, senior researcher at Centro Clima/COPPE/

Daniel Schmitz, D.Sc.

PhD in Transport Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Coppe-UF

George Goes, D.Sc.

PhD in Transport Engineering and postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University

Erika Carvalho Nogueira

Environmental Engineer (UFRJ), with a sandwich undergraduate degree from the Austr

Bruna Guimarães

Works as a researcher at the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and t

William Wills, D.Sc.

Senior consultant at CentroClima and director at the Brazilian Climate Center, boa
