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Evento encerrado dia 18/11/2022.


Date: Friday 11 November 2022
Time: 10-11am
Location: French Pavilion
Event title: Planning for the transition

The transition to a low-carbon and resilient economy requires such significant structural shifts that there is a general consensus on the need to develop transition plans at all governance levels. Indeed, since 2021, the concept of transition plans has finally become the essential concept for both state- and non-state actors to address the challenges of decarbonization : governments, corporates, financial institutions have embarked on the development of plans to organize and facilitate the transition “on the ground”. Still, the articulation of transition plans between sectors, companies, financial institutions and public actors needs to be improved to effectively decarbonize the real ueconomy.


Part 1: Presentations (30’)
1) From component’s transparency to effective transition plans, linked to NDCs (20’) (Anatole METAIS-GROLLIER, Elsa CHONY, ADEME)
2) Planning for the transition at the national level (10’)
● Lessons from company transition plans (Yann Briand, IDDRI)
● Financing plans for the transition (Louise Kessler, I4CE)

Part 2: Panel (30’)
Moderator: ADEME or AFD (TBC)
● 1 gov representatives (EU country - tbc)
● Emilio Lebre La Rovere (UFRJ - experience of engaging private companies in national and sectoral decarbonisation dialogues)
● 1 financial institution representative (GFANZ)
● 1 industry representative (cement, aluminum or steel)
● 1 sectoral analyst of WBA (transport focus)

Date: Monday 14 November 2022
Horário/ Time:
Local/ Venue: Brazil Climate Action Hub
Event: Iniciativa Clima e Desenvolvimento

Evento com representantes do Governo de Transição, da Iniciativa Clima e Desenvolvimento e organizações com materiais e propostas para a agenda climática (como OC e Coalizão, por exemplo). O objetivo é que tanto a Iniciativa como as organizações tenham oportunidade de enviar mensagens diretas para o Governo de Transição. Neste evento será entregue o conjunto de cadernos da Iniciativa: Precificação de Carbono, Transição Energética e Transição Justa.

Acesse AQUI os eventos do Brazil Climate Action Hub.

Date: Monday 14 November 2022
Time: 13:15 - 14:45
Location: Memphis (300), Official SE, merged
Event Title: Climate Finance & LTS

Financing the transition towards low carbon & climate resilient economies indeveloping countries: Countries are now drafting their LTS, which raises the question of how these will be financed. The side-event will present solutions that can facilitatefinancing the transition and the roles of various stakeholders EG: Finance ministries,public & private financial institutions.
Speaker: FTDT - Micaela Carlino
The DecarBOOST project will participate in the Panel.

Acesse AQUI o evento do Decarboost.

Date: Tuesday 15 November 2022
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: European Pavilion
Event Title: Bridging the gap to the Paris Agreement objectives: opportunities forinternational collaboration to support enhanced national ambition.

This event presents a globally comprehensive multi-model stocktake on the gapbetween current pledges and the Paris Agreement goals. It then presents severalscenarios to ratchet up ambition of the NDCs and long-term goals, as well as the globalenablers for eight major economies to implement deep decarbonisation pathways intheir countries, according to in-country analyses and experts. These strategies andenablers constitute poignant themes for global climate discussions, including the GST.

Tentative agenda:
● Introduction by the EC DG Clima (5 min)
● Presentation on current pledges and the emission gap, by Bas van Ruijven (10min)
● Presentation of scenarios to close the emission gap, by Isabela SchmidtTagomori (10 min)
● Presentation on the global narratives, by Johannes Svensson (10 min)
● Presentation of the global enablers emerging from a country analysis, by EmilioLèbre La Rovere (10 min)
● Q&A (15 min)

Acesse AQUI o evento do Brazil Climate Action Hub.

Date : Tuesday 15 November 2022
Time: 13:15 to 14:45
Location: Room 9, Tutankamon, Official SE, merged
Event Title: Climate Finance & LTS - Libélula & MINAM as BOOST Representation

Opportunities and challenges in the development of LTS in LAC and the role of finance:Share progress and good practices in the development of LTS in LAC and discuss therole of climate finance to accelerate resilience & decarbonization, highlighting thePeruvian experience. Objective: Share advances and good practices in thedevelopment of Long-Term Strategies in Latin America and discuss the role of climatefinance to accelerate resilience and decarbonization, highlighting the Peruvian experience.

The DecarBOOST project will participate in Panel 2. Rocío (SSN) will moderate thepanel and Blanca (Libelula) will participate as speaker in this panel.

Acesse AQUI o evento do Decarboost.

Date: Tuesday 15 November
Time: 5.30 to 6.30pm
Location: International Development Bank (IDFC) Pavilion.
Event title: Lessons learned from the ACT-DDP Project (Assessing Low-CarbonTransition / Deep Decarbonization Pathways)

Welcoming word from the Executive Director of FFEM – Fonds Français pourl’Environnement Mondial
Presentation of the main lessons from the ACT-DDP Project – Yann Briand (IDDRI)
Panel discussion: Emilio La Rovere (Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ)

Data/Date: 16 de Novembro / 16 November
Horário/ Time: 13h-13:45
Local/Venue: Brazil Climate Action Hub
Event Title: Shifting Development Pathways / Mudando os caminhos do desenvolvimento.

Atores do sul global se juntam para debater a importância de clima e desenvolvimento andarem juntos. Serão compartilhadas experiências para avançar na agenda detransição justa à luz de políticas como ETM (Energy Transition Mechanism) na Indonésia, do JET-P (Just Energy Transition Partnership) na África do Sul e da Iniciativa Clima & Desenvolvimento no Brasil.

Organizações Realizadoras:
Iniciativa Clima & Desenvolvimento: Instituto Clima e Sociedade - iCS
Instituto TalanoaCentro Clima/ COPPE-UFRJ
Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura
Uma Concertação pela Amazônia
Centro Brasil no Clima (CBC)
Coalização Clima, Florestas e Agricultura
Instituto Alziras

Moderação: Natalie Unterstell (Talanoa)
Painelistas: Emilio La Rovere (coordenador COPPE-UFRJ)
Izolda Cela (governadora eleita do Ceará)
Simone Tebet (senadora e ex-presidenciável)
CEOs - Cebds ou Coalizão (a confirmar)
Ator Indonésia
Ator África do Sul
Ana Toni - iCS

Confira AQUI a repercursão deste evento publicado no Jornal Folha da Cidade.

Data/ Date: 17 de Novembro / 17 November
Horário/ Time: 14:30 – 15:30h (GMT+2)
Idioma/ Language: Português/English
Local/ Venue: Brazil Climate Action Hub
Evento/ Event:Instrumentos Financeiros e Precificação de Carbono para impulsionar os mercados de compensação na América Latina - Lançamento do Projeto Green Hydrogen.Enabling Financial Instruments and boosting carbon markets in Latin America – Launchof the Green Hydrogen Project.

A Coppe/UFRJ, em parceria com a GIZ Brasil e o Projeto Decarboost apoiado pela IKI naArgentina, Brasil e Peru, organiza evento no Brazil Climate Action Hub da COP27, espaçoda sociedade brasileira na COP27, em Sharm El-Sheikh, no Egito, sobre instrumentos financeiros e precificação de carbono, com o lançamento do Projeto H2 Verde.

COPPE/UFRJ in partnership with GIZ Brazil and the Decarboost Project supported by IKIin Argentina, Brazil and Peru, presents a side event of the Brazil Climate Hub at COP27in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, about financial instruments and carbon pricing, with thelaunch of the Green Hydrogen Project.

O evento tem como objetivo promover uma discussão sobre instrumentos financeiros eprecificação de carbono para impulsionar os mercados de compensação na AméricaLatina e oficialmente lançar o Projeto Hidrogênio Verde: Produção de HidrogênioRenovável, compressão, armazenamento e utilização em sistemas de energia emobilidade.As discussões serão pautadas nos resultados do projeto DecarBOOST apoiado pela IKI eexecutado na Argentina pela FTDT, no Brasil pelo Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ e no Perupor Libelula; e apresentar um exemplo de parceria público-privada com o projeto depesquisa realizado pelo Laboratório de Transporte Sustentável da Coppe/UFRJ apoiadopela GIZ no Brasil.

The event aims to promote a discussion on financial instruments and carbon pricing toboost offset markets in Latin America and officially launch the Green Hydrogen Project:Renewable Hydrogen Production, compression, storage and utilization in energy andmobility systems.Discussions will be guided by the results of the DecarBOOST project supported by IKIand implemented in Argentina by FTDT, in Brazil by Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ and inPeru by Libelula, addressing opportunities in different sectors economy-wide to drivedeep decarbonisation in the region, and present an example of public-privatepartnership with the research work carried out by the Sustainable Transport Lab atCoppe/UFRJ supported by GIZ in Brazil.

Speakers: Andrea Santos - Coppe/UFRJ;
Emílio La Rovere - Coppe/UFRJ (Brazil),
MicaelaCarlino – Fundación Torcuato di Tella - FTDT (Argentina),
Blanca Rengifo - Libelula (Peru).
*Remoto/ online: Jorge Arbache* - Diretor da CAF - Corporación Andina de Fomento,Markus Francke* - GIZ Brasil.

Acesse AQUI os eventos do Brazil Climate Action Hub. 

