Created in 2000 through an agreement between the Secretariat for Environmental Quality in Human Settlements (SQA) of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and COPPE/UFRJ, CentroClima has been actively involved in developing public policies and strengthening national and international capacity of diverse social actors regarding actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation. CentroClima operates within LIMA, part of the PPE at COPPE/UFRJ, conducting studies and projects and offering courses to public and private institutions through contracts established with the Coppetec Foundation (see links on this page).
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Read morePeríodo: 27/09/2024 a 27/09/2025 Referência: PPE-26.126 Cliente: INSTITUTO MARANHENSE DE ESTUDOS SOCIOECONOMICOS E CARTOGRAFICO IMESC...
Read morePeríodo: 17/09/2024 a 17/09/2025 Referência: PPE-25.642 Cliente: Instituto Clima e Sociedade - ICS
Read moreCentro Clima (2º andar, Bloco I-2000, entre os blocos C e D, sala I-208) e no PPE (2º andar, Bloco C, sala C-211).