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Loureiro, S.M.; Rovere, E.L.L., Mahler, C.F. Analysis of Potential for Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Municipal Solid Waste in Brazil, in the state and city of Rio de Janeiro. Waste Management.
PEREIRA JR., A.O., COSTA, R.C., COSTA, C.V., MARRECO, J.M., ROVERE, E.L.L.. 2013. Perspectives for the expansion of new renewable energy sources in Brazil. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 23: 49-59
ROVERE, E.L.L., DUBEUX, C.B.S., PEREIRA JR., A.O. & WILLS, W. 2013. Brazil beyond 2020: from deforestation to the energy challenge. Climate Policy 13: 70-86.
RENNKAMP, Britta & WESTIN, Fernanda Fortes. Feito no Brasil? Made in South Africa? Boosting technological development through local content requirements in the wind energy industry. Energy Research Centre – ERC/ University of Cape Town - UCT, South Africa.