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04 12 CentroClima notícia.jpgThe event: One Planet Summit

The Summit will take place in Paris on 12 December 2017, the anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. The Summit comes at a key moment in the international agenda and aims to provide a complementary contribution to foster greater climate action by a wide range of actors, in particular regarding the financial angle. In the context of the COP23 on 6-17 November 2017 and in preparation for the facilitative dialogue during COP24 in 2018 as well as other key events such as the Climate Summit of the United Nations in 2019, the Summit on 12 December will be the occasion to strengthen a high-level political impetus on climate action especially focusing on:

  • The mobilization of climate finance, public as well as private, for increased climate action in terms of greenhouse gases emissions reduction and adaptation ;
  • The redirection of investments, the development of innovative financing mechanisms and the support of the ecological and energy transition ;
  • The demonstration of linkages between concrete projects and source of funding, for the benefit of all.

Find more about the event HERE
Check out the Programme of One Planet Summit HERE 

Side Events

In parallel of the One Planet Summit on December 12, many side events are organized on December 10, 11 and 13 in Paris by public, private and civil society stakeholders in order to contribute to the mobilization and the implementation of concrete solutions towards greater climate action.
In this way, besides the main event on December 12, Prof. Emilio was invited to attend the High level seminar, organised by IDDRI under the auspices of the French minister for Higher education, Research and Innovation, December 11th 2017, 9am – 1pm, Paris.

Check out further information of the Side-event on December 11 HERE

